Christmas Order Forms 2019

Our Christmas Order Forms are nor ready! Download a copy here, or pick one up from the shop… We have a couple of suppliers who have been slow to communicate prices for some of the less in demand items – Last years prices are marked in red, and will be...

Christmas orders 2017

Our Christmas order sheets are now ready – collect one from the shop or download here…. CLICK TO VIEW OUR CHRISTMAS ORDER FORM 2017 Ideally orders should be with us by the 4th December, but we can normally extend the deadline a few days for most products,...

Christmas Order Forms now ready…

We are now busy preparing for Christmas…  labeling up our pot grown trees, setting up our Christmas gift and treat display, and of course getting our Christmas order sheet prepared. The latter is now done, and available for collection from the shop – or if...

Christmas Order forms are now ready

We are now busy preparing for Christmas…  labeling up our pot grown trees, setting up our Christmas gift and treat display, and of course getting our Christmas order sheet prepared. The latter is now done, and available for collection from the shop – or if...

Christmas order forms are now ready.

As usual, once Halloween is over we get down to preparing for Christmas… to that end we are busy labeling up our pot grown trees, setting up our Christmas gift and treat display, and of course getting our Christmas order sheet prepared. The latter is now done,...